Friday, July 3, 2009

The One versus The 1.1

Victor Davis Hanson nails it again:

One, never has the gap between pre-presidential and in-office behavior been so wide (heaven and earth really are quite distant), and, two, the past promises of utopia have so conditioned a mesmerized media that they don't realize their own complacency in allowing an administration to use whatever means they chose for professedly exalted ends.
This is a strange time, when we are borrowing into oblivion, redefining 60 years of bilateral foreign policy, embarking on unproven — but costly — environmentalism, nationalizing industry and health care, and gleefully establishing a veritable state-sanctioned, pro-government media on the lines Americans used to be terrified about.
Read the rest at the link above.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes Yes. Faux promises of hope and change. Fauxbama strikes again with unfufilled promises of ending "Global Warming." Yeah right.