Friday, June 19, 2009

Slip Slidin' Away

Wall Street Journal is reporting that Obama's popularity is "slipping." This is just the latest in a series of polls that illustrate that the American people, though they have been hypnotized, are not flat-lined stupid. The same sampling reports Dick Cheney's popularity, though still dismal, UP eight points since April; the Pelosinator's numbers headed for the teens, even lower than Congress's mid-twenty approval rating and the "deficit" an area of concern for almost 50%.

On all of BHO's pet projects, from socialized medicine to running car companies, there is pretty healthy disapproval. Most people are still blaming the evil Boosh for everything, but soon...very soon, the Wunderkind is going to own the bad news.

The good news for those of us on the "want Obama to fail" (Shock! How aweful!!) because we want our country "to succeed," (you evil American exceptionalist!) is that it tracks with a number of other polls showing the same trend. The "wrong track/right track" poll is opening up again, with more people saying they don't like this kind of "hope n'change," and the American people REALLY don't like their Congress. Once the cult followers over at Huffpo and Kos start to turn, this guy may end up having a reign less favorable than Jimmy Carter's...let us pray he does nowhere near the damage that man did.


Anonymous said...

again with the whining. do you ever get sick of being wrong? obama is as popular as the media portrays him. he is doing the same stuff he has been doing, and yet as the FauxNews echo chamber whines more and more about the same stuff (remember when the DOW being down was his fault? those stories stopped after 2 weeks, only to be supplanted by whatever the next bloviating gasbag found to pick apart.) every week there is new petty minutae to whine about...

the smart people who are well awawre that O is the only hope of avoiding a resurgence of the Dark Ages, will continue to support O even if he eats a human baby at halftime of the superbowl. if the alternative is people like YOU making decisions, we would already be at ewar with the entirety of the middle east, plus north korea... and we would be trying to PRAY our way out of trouble. Yeah... maybe that'll work. HAHAHAHA.

Marty Heflin said...

Ahh, yes the "smart" people who can't spell, use punctuation or capital letters! Bravo! I do find it humorous how criticism of BHO is labeled "whining" constantly - what is the constant drumbeat against the "evil Booosh?" He's been gone for over six month, your team is on the field and yet you whine and complain. That's the real joke.

As for prayer, yes, I will continue to pray for your enlightenment and education if not your salvation. Faith is hard, spouting platitudes and gibberish knocked into your head by some half-wit professor is easy. Do your homework on the gifts of faith before you slap it around.