Monday, June 29, 2009

Honduras and Democracy

Maria Anastasia O'Grady has an excellent summary of what is going on in Honduras right now:

O'Grady: Honduras Defends Its Democracy -

What an interesting conundrum for our young, inexperienced POTUS. We don't want to meddle in Iranian affairs, but have no problem meddling with Honduras or Israel. How "elite" and "subtle" and "smart" it is to be on the side of Chavez, Castro and the rest of the South American Leftists who want to destroy freedom and democracy.

What is also interesting is how the rest of the world is drifting to the right. See what happened to Kirchner in Argentina? Well, at least Chavez and his ilk have a good friend in Barry.

BREAKING: Confirmed - Obama sides with tyrants and meddles in the affairs of other countries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freedom in on the march, and Obama and Hillary are marching in the tyranny parade. The O'Grady piece was excellent, and she has much more experience and depth of knowledge concerning Latin America that Obama and Hillary put together.

Chavez candidates are losing everywhere. In Panama, his preferred leftist candidate lost by almost 20 points, and she was from the party that was currently in power.