Monday, June 22, 2009

VDH - The Maestro

Victor Davis Hanson nails it in his column over at "Works and Days." This IS the moment. What can be gained by speaking out against the thugocratic murder being conducted in the streets of Tehran and Shiraz? Quite possibly the overthrow of a regime that is the very nexus of terror support in the region. Obama could undo what Jimmy Carter wrought if he would just speak out in support. A sampling:

Obama’s realpolitik is flawed: 1) if the mullahs win, they will have greater contempt for our timidity; 2) if the dissidents win, they will not forget our realistic fence-sitting; 3) you can never believe (ever) anything the mullahs say or do. Negotiating with them is like signing a pact with Hitler. They are afraid of US voiced support for the dissidents, not the dissidents themselves who ask for our solidarity. If anything, the theocrats grasp that their own do not want a nuclear confrontation with Israel in which the people would be sacrificial pawns. Again and again, the dissidents have repeated that they are tired of being hated in the world as Ahmadinejad’s Iranians, not that they wanted Obama’s America to be less critical of Ahmadinejad.


Anonymous said...

read a book or two. america has tried intervention, has tried sitting on the sidelines, and both failed. (surely you were alive in the 70's, old man, how is it that i know iran's history better than you do?)

trying to wait for their internal issues to work themselves out is the right move.

and here's the funny part: W tried 'regime change' in iraq. and that went... swimmingly? i feel like you are still unable to grasp the intricacies of "cause and effect"... or is it your contention that O, the more genteel diplomat and more intelligent leader, will succeed where W failed?

Or are you just rambling? is there some central thesis that makes your disparate positions sensical? I certainly dont see it if there is.

Marty Heflin said...

Again with the Bush Derangement Syndrome - really, Mr./Ms. A, you need to check yourself in for some therapy. As for your "knowledge" of Iranian history, don't make me was your side that lost Iran for us in the first place!

Now, before you go hyperventilate, no one is advocating military intervention. We didn't have to send in the troops in Poland. We did, however, take a public and principled stand that the United States stood for freedom - that it was the order of natural law not to be a slave. Oh, I forgot though - you actually enjoy the slavery of being in the cult of O.

Anonymous said...

hilarious. you see the George Will interview? it was great stuff. and there are tons of them. people telling mccain to shut up. people telling obama he is doing exactly the right thing. and on and on... (i suggest google news instead of FauxNews, but whatever...)

When the most rational, intelligent conservative voices are agreeing with everyone else, and only the yammering goons on FauxNews are complaining.... makes me more certain than ever that O is doing the right thing!

addendum: What are you on about with your 'bush derangement' thing? you say it so often, as if it has some meaning... but there WERE NO WMDs. there was NO POINT. and still we are there in iraq. Regime change and acting without thinking are BAD. what on earth is your brain processing? W DUMB. OBAMA SMART. where is the 'derangement'? am i deranged because i am smart enough to 'notice things', 'think about them', etc? or is it derangement just because i dont think the solution to every problem involves magic, jesus, and/or invasion forces?

(Ever wonder why it is that your voice seems to get no echoes? might make you wonder what everyone else knows, that you dont...)

Anonymous said...

(and of course i wont even touch your retarded 'slavery' comparison - coming from a gay-hating jesus freak who wants everyone who does not think like him in chains... you dont get a whole lot of credibility on that one old man! better O's 'chains' of logic and rational thought than your chains of ignorance and superstition!)

Marty Heflin said...

Here we see some of the advanced symptoms of BDS on full display!

1. Shout and scream louder...use foul language if necessary.
2. Accuse anyone of faith of all sorts of hatred and ignorance - bonus if you throw in "magic" with "religion!"
3. Rant and rave.
4. Predict catastrophe for all of conservative mindset, unless they agree with you!

Now let me be un-Christian for a ignorant little twerp - you need to get your head out of your nether regions and stop repeating leftist mantras taught to you in your Poli Sci 100 class by some leftist wingnut prof who couldn't hold down a real job. I suppose you would have loved to have Saddam's goons still running the show IN VIOLATION of all the United Nations mandates which were the primary cause for our action. You have no clue about WMD's because I am sure you have never served your country. You have no idea what the geography is like over there or where the Bekaa Valley is. If you did you wouldn't keep up your childish tirade about WMD's.

There...I'm better.

P.S. There is a spell checker in this system, you are obviously too dumb to use it.

Anonymous said...

Sweet Jesus Christ on the Cross, Rumbler, have you gone soft?

Any thinking human being that understands ANYTHING about that part of the world understands that the WMDs were moved to Syria. Hell, you probably flew over them on one of those "trips" you were involved with. All the Dems were on board with the invasion - as was the UN - and now they act like they were duped. Goddam it, W had the courage to do the right thing, and kept us safe for eight years and this is the GD thanks he gets for it.

Yeah, sit on the sidelines you stupid liberals - that's always your solution...fine, go warm the friggin bench but at least have the courage to speak the truth: freedom trumps slavery EVERY time!

Anonymous said...

wow. conspiracy theory nuts come out of the woodwork on that one... but NO WMDs. "I suppose you would have loved to have Saddam's goons still running the show IN VIOLATION of all the United Nations mandates which were the primary cause for our action".(was THAT what cheney and rove meant by WMDs, in the runup to war? ahhh... guess i dont speak conspiracy-theory-cabal code! my fault.. i try to use my brain instead of 'magic'... oops!)

and if that were a real argument, then you need to start raving about darfur. tibet. somalia. honestly...

Did you watch "Team America World Police" and completely miss that it was FARCE?

Ouch man. Ouch.

Marty Heflin said...

I guess you are stuck on stupid. You obviously didn't read about the yellowcake that was brought back to Canada from Iraq. I guess those Kurds that exhibited all the effects of chemical warfare were just faking it. And, you completely missed my point about the WMD's moved to the Bekaa Valley. Unfortunately, your pals in the sycophant press don't cover stories like that - they don't fit the mold.

Darfur, Tibet, Somalia - show me the national interest there. That's right, these goons actually threatened our oil supply and were a threat to the entire region. I thought you lefties adored the United Nations...they hate Israel just like you...guess we shouldn't have done what they said to do.

By the way, ALL your guys thought the WMD's were there too. I know they deny it now, but ALL of them going back to Clinton/Gore thought they were there. It's inconvenient to deal with the truth isn't it.

Anonymous said...

so your contention is that since everyone was stupid then, there is no way to be smart ever again?

people who now know that there WERE NO WMDs in iraq and feel that the runup to the war was misleading at best, deliberately false and politically motivated at worst are what, not allowed to point out how stupid that was? is 'once a moron, always a moron!' the rallying cry of the GOP? (might explain a lot..)

and you are arguing two things. Were there WMDs? or was it all about violating UN sanctions? W changed his answer several times as it became apparent that the initial intel was nonsense.

and of course i must add, NO WMDs IN IRAQ! yellowcake from niger, and 'curveball' and all the rest... it was false then, it is false now. you and your black-helicopter conspiracy nuts...!

notice how this strayed from the discussion of iran? is that because of all the people who have come out in favor of exactly what O is doing? you kinda lost that one so you start raving about imaginary weapons in iraq? i guess that was the W plan for 8 years... "FEAR! WMDs! SADDAM! now pay no attention as i do these truly horrible things to a national park!"

yeah. kinda transparent. we've seen it before.