Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Masked Police Force in Iran Showing Religion of Peace in Action

Here's what I don't get - why are not liberals with their most metrosexual leader, BHO, screaming from the rooftops for change in Iran? Is it because of their loving tolerance of homosexuals? (Nope, they hang 'em.) Could it be the equality that women revel in? (Nope, they stone 'em.) Well, it must be the wonderful free society where everyone is allowed their own religion and point of view...funny, not getting that from this video.

C'mon lefties, this is a cause you should support!

Actually, it is a cause ALL Americans and free-loving people should support. This administration's silence on this is deeply saddening...where's the "hope?" Is this the "change" you wanted?

Oops - just breaking - this is not a video from Iran, it is Obama's folks illustrating their "light touch" on the financial regulation.


Anonymous said...

even iran doesnt know what the whole story is in iran. W whould have charged in and done something stupid..O is SMARTER than that. he is actually waiting to see what happens internally before jumping to conclusions. See how sometimes, when there is no way to do anything useful, douing nothingis better than (for example) declaring war for no reason? but i forget... you want to get them on religious grounds. good for you. at least be consistent in your insistence that ancient magic dogma is a reasonable focus for foreign policy in the 21st century...

You appear to support decisive leadership even... if the results are retarded? again, i seem to be learning a lot about the faulty wiring in your brain today. You make me even more certain of my support for O's approach, if your complaints today are any indication of the way your mental processes work. hooray rational clearheadedness!

Jack said...

Time for Obama to stand up and throw his support behind Mousavi and the democratic movement in Iran. All we need right now is a strong statement - I don't think actual intervention would be wise at the moment.

And really...where is the outrage? With the very rare and tragic exception, gays in America aren't killed, or seriously discriminated against.

Marty Heflin said...

That's right, Mr. A, leave the forces that would ally with the United States and prevent Iran from driving over the nuclear cliff twisting in the wind...brilliant! That's rational clearheadedness alright. We are missing a historic opportunity because BHO won't man up. All it takes is one of his gifted oratories to help unite world opinion against the thugocracy in Iran. C'mon, this is the guy that was going to make the oceans recede and the earth cool...what's a teensy weensy little revolution by people yearning to breath free?

"Cowardice" is the operative word, coupled with blatant anti-Semitism. Pathetic.