With the Dems in charge of all the levers of power, this little gem, titled the Enumerated Powers Act will never see the light of day. Conceptually, however, it is a great piece of legislation for Individualists to rally around. At it's core is the simple assertion that Congress is constrained by a set of documents that tell it what it can and cannot do for/to the American people.
Funny thing is, these clowns bitch about how overworked they are and how little time they have to read legislation, so they really don't know what's in a bill (other than the 3 x 5 card handed to them by a staffer)...this would start to solve the problem. Do the contents of the legislation pass muster for being an area we can Constitutionally impose ourselves? Yes? Move on. No? Ash heap. Funny thing is, MOST of Obama's programs would be in the latter category.
Good piece over at the Heritage Institute about this bill. Read it here.
well, that's a great idea. i do find it rather comical timing that they were silent for 8 years of insanity, but decide that NOW is the moment... makes what would otherwise be a rational thing to do into a political farce. but what cna you do...
You're funny! I forgot that the evil Boosh and the Republicans tried to take over whole segments of the economy from automobiles to health care...I guess I missed that in all the prosperity and security.
false prosperty. it was based on a flawed premise (deregulation, ignorance and apathy = a good thing). how's that working out these days? I am amazed that you are still somehow of the opinion that W was anything but a catastrophe for america...
like i said, this is a good idea, but is clearly only motivated by sour grapes at the moment. whatever. never gonna happen anyway.
Well, as "false" as the prosperity was, would you like to put all eight years of Bush up against the first six months of Obama? Despite inheriting a recession, 9/11 and two wars, there was a net job gain of over 3 million. Awful compared to the 8 years of Bill Clinton who inherited the Reagan upswing and peace dividend, but best estimates point to about 20 million jobs LOST in 2009 under Obama.
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