Wednesday, June 24, 2009


One of the numerous ill-supported claims being thrown about by Statists is that there are "50 million uninsured Americans!!!!!!!!!!!" Panic! Government help needed immediately! See some of the discussion on my earlier post from an anonymous liberal and you will get the point.

Great analysis by Carl Bialik, aka "The Numbers Guy" over at the Wall Street Journal this morning. The former head of the CBO states: "There is a range of uncertainty in health legislation that probably exceeds that of most other issues before Congress." Really? Oh, but we have to comprehensively overhaul the system this year??

The real agenda is apparent: statist control of the entire health care system so we can be more like...France? Well, actually, of late, France has behaved more like the United States.


Anonymous said...

(need i reply? WHO CARES what the number of people who can't get insurance is? want to say it is 40 not 50? or 30? 25? what is the cutoff where you decide you can just give the big old 'screw you!' to them all and leave them to their own devices? you insist on the archaic "every sperm is sacred" mantra... but man, if that kid is poor, or his parent's lose their jobs... then die already! how very... christian of you. HA!)

Marty Heflin said...

Calm down. Breath deep. Let us first determine how many people need help - not how many people we are going to mandate (with penalties) that they have to have insurance...that's a concept called "freedom," something you apparently have no fondness for. Then, we can have a basic safety net for those less fortunate because everyone else won't be taxed to death! I know you hate this country, but you should realize that we are the most generous people on the face of the earth and I am certain, with more disposable income that church (oooooh, scary!)and other civic organizations would pitch in to help.

Anonymous said...

(do i get to be an ass about typos now?)

you have such a strange definition of 'freedom' - as it is w/ the current system, we are all slaves to the corporations we work for. what is the single biggest obstacle to striking out on your own with a new business idea? GIVING UP INSURANCE. cant go w/out it, but since it demonstrably costs more than RENT, it is a conundrum. You rail about 'freedom' as if somehow we have the ability to just strike off and not concern ourselves with suck mundane things as remaining alive... but you are incorrect.

I am now reasonably convinced that you have never spent so much as a single day of your life w/out insurance, and as such have no frame of reference as to just how bad it can be to need medical care and have no means of providing it for yourself. i have heard your 'it's all about small business' rant several times... but even existing, established small business is slammed by healthcare costs.

i find it incredibly strange that you stick up for the deeply flawed system we have so vehemently. is it a simple lack of imagination that preents you from seeing the possibility of a better system? or is it fear of the mccarthy-ish 'communism will kill us all, overthrow society, and give us all cavities' line?

and as long as you are making odd blanket statements about 'freedom', i guess that means you are pro-legalizing drugs? that's a personal-freedom decision... and need i mention abortion? how 'bout my freedom FROM religion interposing itself in american society? if you were really all about freedom, you should be OK with any source of stem cells; those researchers have the 'freedom' to make whatever breakthroughs they like.

im curious to see the rationalization process that is sure to be forthcoming...

Marty Heflin said...

Like all good Obamistas, you want to willingly give yourself unto slavery. I do not.

Stick to the facts of the case and don't make assumptions about me and you will do much better in Debate 101.