Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Cash for Geezers

Hat tip Baldilocks.


Anonymous said...

I assume that by now you have seen the youtube video of the lunatic-fringe 'geezer' who stands up at a town-hall meeting and shouts "Keep your damn government hands off my Medicare", right? (Who can tell me why that is the most intensely retarded thing ever uttered on TV?)

Ever wonder why all the really, profoundly, ignorant people seem to be on the same side of this debate? (what i wonder is wonder why you are on that same side of the debate...?)

Come on. Lets think out loud here. If the current batch of seniors and vetereans get public healthcare now... would that mean that socialized medicine is the REWARD?

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias"...

Marty Heflin said...

That is a silly comment, you are quite correct. Not quite as silly as "I won't raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000..." but up there.

Funny thing is, a lot of these grey hairs showing up are DEMOCRATS! So I guess they go into the "stupid" column for you along with everyone else in America except yourself and Santa Obama.

Anonymous said...

seriously? ouch. Obama's tax pledge is a factual statement; that old guy is shouting his ignorance of reality from the rooftops. "2+2= nasal polyps!" yells the conservative movement...

and not one of them is a liberal democrat, and you know it. they are confused/demented old folks who have bought the FauxNews talking points. and i notice you missed the point about how we already have public healthcare for vets and the elderly... those people who are doing the shouting ALREADY HAVE PUBLIC HEALTHCARE. that's pow'ful stupid...

Ugh. healthcare is too damned important to let the luntaic-fringe (bought and paid for by the insurance lobby, btw - $1.4M per DAY in lobbying outlay! I bet they could have done soom great health-caring for that half a billion dollars they will spend this year...) pretend that those few sad, ignorant people actually represent the american public.

Anonymous said...

You are making a huge leap when you compare the present programs to what is being proposed. Medicare and Medicaid are a mess, but at least they are only government FUNDED, not government RUN.

Right now the seniors involved with those programs have no direct government intervention in their medical relationship. The government decides if it will fund ("cover") certain procedures, but can not decide whether the person can have access to them. The discussions and decisions stay with the patient and their doctor, period. The seniors understand that it WILL CHANGE if these new plan(s) are implemented.

The health care "reforms" that are being laid out will create a bureaucracy that will insert itself right into the middle of the doctor/patient relationship. Those seniors also have some wisdom with their grey hair; they have watched other nations undergo this same path. Canada started out with the (now "imploding") system with the exact same "feel good" aim of covering the uninsured (which the present plans still do not completely address)--and as sure as night follows day, they now have a system that is broken, has no private options, has long waits, and poor quality care. The care has to be rationed because the system is BROKE. (Surgeries are being refused across Canada as we speak because they can't afford it.) And seniors realize that they require more healthcare on average than younger people--rationing is a scary reality for them with the new "reforms" and they will "not go gentle into that good night..."