Sunday, April 12, 2009

Is there no shame?

Why not appoint a Palestinian to be the Ambassador to Israel while you are at it? Really, sending someone that is pro-abortion to be the Ambassador to the Vatican is insulting. Thank goodness the Holy Father has the cojones to tell Barry O to stick it.


Anonymous said...

I suppose theres no reason to point out that the *majority* who elected Obama (that democratic system of ours is not great for your fringe-loonies...) are pro-choice, and in fact the ambassador to the vatican is supposed to represent american positions, not those of the comically archaic catholic church...

you can represent the ideals of the 14th century all you like, but it is Obama's job to actually embrace and usher in the future, as mandated by the american people.

i suppose you were also up in arms about the bolton appointment to the UN during the W years, if you are to be intellectually consistent. he didnt support the UN, but was to be UN ambassador...

whatever. lacking understanding of things like this is a hallmark of the barely literate GOP-ers. i assume you are yourself a catholic, and would like it if we structured our foreign policy to take into account things like 'magic' and 'gods will' rather than 'factual reality' or 'the will of the people'? i'm just sooo insightful...

Anonymous said...

nothing? super weak...

i expected at least some flailing attempt to reinforce your unclear ideas.... maybe there was a more relevant point in there someplace. but i guess not.

i have an idea. how 'bout you go burn a book or 2 with your brainless compatriots. there's a superb rallying cry; "ignorance for all!"

I was clearly correct in my statement about the way this whole 'democracy' thing works.

well... i suppose we all know that 'reality' has a well-known liberal bias.......

Marty Heflin said...

Why the hatred towards Catholicism and Christianity in general? What are you afraid of?

I am confused though, I thought you lefties wanted to get along with everyone because everything is value neutral...after all, we can't impose our values on someone else, can we? But when it comes to institutions you disagree with...weeeelll...that's another story isn't it? Destroy them! Silence them! You're the one that is terrified of the open forum, not people of faith.

If you stopped spewing your hatred long enough to understand the teachings of the Catholic Church, or any Christian or Jewish institution of faith, you would learn that what you characterize as "14th Century" is phenomenally current. But that would require a little bit of work on your part.

As for Bolton, he wasn't opposed to the UN, he was opposed (and still is) to a UN that is nothing more than a forum to bash the United States and Israel - ironically, you are the one that is intellectually inconsistent.

Anonymous said...

"Why the hatred towards Catholicism and Christianity in general? What are you afraid of?"

How does anyhting i said translate to fear? religion in general and catholicism in particular are almost completely irrelevant in modern discourse. you are of course free to talk all you like, but again it is not remotely the will of the majority of people to make decisions based on archaic dogma. just fact. and therefore... my point stands. in this democracy of ours, Obama and his team represent the will of the people, not the will of the lunatic fringe. you are NOT the majority, and faith-based leadership during the W years was a horrifying disaster. do i really need to quote the facts and figures about things like teen pregnancy rates when abstinence-only was the sex-ed method of choice?

So... again i reiterate: i understand that you want to see the US ambassador to the vatican to be a kowtowing crony who is all about jesus, but that is NOT what america voted for. (and thank god for that...)

(and come on... "the teachings of the Catholic Church, or any Christian or Jewish institution of faith, you would learn that what you characterize as "14th Century" is phenomenally current." - uh... so, the world is flat, and the sun revolves around the earth, and distributing condoms in afrtica will make the AIDS rate worse.... everything the catholic church has ever said out loud has turned out to be completely the opposite of reality. you literally have nothing to stand on. those and innume able others are factually verifiable, and church dogma is completely wrong. please for the love of god dont pretend that religion gets to sit at the same table as rational thought. it simply doesn't)

anyway, go burn books with glen beck and his slavering hordes, while i thank my lucky stars that people like that dont get to make decisions for america anymore.

Anonymous said...
