Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Missile Defense

Obama wants to talk to the bad guys and slash our defense budgets...watch this and think real hard about the choices.


Anonymous said...

Talking good. Head-in-the-sand bravado bad. And defense spending INCREASES by $30+ Billion. Rumbler spouts still more nonsensical sour grapes, determined to hate on all O's decisions, no matter what. and real americans, smart and engaged enough to know what they are talking about, sigh in resignation at the farcical knee-jerk negativism of the loony-right. you must be sooo proud...

Marty Heflin said...

Re-characterization of Defense spending does not constitute an increase. Further, to the critical issue of missile defense:

"The plan to cut 15 percent of the missile defense program was announced Monday by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. The Pentagon also plans to halt the number of interceptor missiles based in Alaska and may suspend development of Boeing’s airborne laser program, which would outfit jetliners with anti-missile lasers. Israeli passenger airliners use similar devices to thwart terrorist attacks."

At a point in time when rogue states like North Korea and Iran, (who the Europeans have been "talking to" for seven years with so much to show for the effort) are close to having ICBM's Obama chooses to slash missile defense. This isn't "head in the sand bravado," it is common sense to protect the homeland.

You keep talking, I'll reload.

Anonymous said...

Is this the part where i am not supposed to be aware that despite the largest price tag of anything, ever.... it DOESNT WORK? maybe reallocating $ in an effort to find something useful is a bad idea in your world (and what color is the sky in that world, i find myself wondering...)

this sounds like someone unfamiliar with the concept of a 'sunk cost'.

does this sort of nonsense really make you feel safer? all about the illusion of control, i suppose... but since our missle shield doesnt work, spending that $ elsewhere seems like an eminently reasonable thing to do. but that's just me, with my 'thinking' and 'fact-based reality'. so i know you are unlikely to get it. whatever, says i.

Marty Heflin said...

Google "successful missile defense test" and settle in for a long read. The system is still in development, but is already proving to be successful. Sorry to use "facts" against such a brilliant "thinker."

Anonymous said...

it has been 'still in development' since the dawn of time. and still isnt ready. despite costing more than the apollo program. or the aggregate value of most of the world's countries. even the crazy websites admit that it is not remotely ready to deploy. soooo... again. trying something else, with the possibility of an upside greater than a giant hole we fling $ into, seems reasonable.

and again, this is all irrelevant. theater ballistic-missle threats are so very cold-war. the new threat is not 10,000 ICBMs, it is suitcase weapons. homegrown weapons assembled here in the US. and so on. (which arent all that easy to take out with ballisitic-missile defense systems....) yes, i get that north korea has 1 missile that didnt work. and we have anti-missiles that dont work. perfect symmetry, i suppose.

so i once again state: there are way better ways to spend a giant fortune. somything with a real ROI might be a spiffy change of pace... you really do just want to complain about literally everything Obama does. just sour grapes. transparent, laughable... and exactly what i expect form the likes of the lunatic fringe.