Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Orders Budget Cuts

The Great One has assembled his troops and ordered "budget cuts" of $100 million. Outstanding! This ranks right up there with his stunning Naval victory over the combined forces of three's a great graphic from Heritage's John Fleming to put it in perspective:


Anonymous said...

ahh. more bitching about pointless minutiae. cutting $100M worth of crap from the budget is a good thing. just like spending money on our future's infrastructure and sustainability is a good thing. (what's bad? how about a pointless 8 year war? or perhaps a giant, unsustainable tax cut for billionaires? maybe letting corporate polluters police themselves until we all have lead arsenide aned female growth hormones in the groundwater? yummy...)

although i have not (and clearly wont) look at blog posts from the past 8 years, i can only assume you didnt spend the entire W administration complaining about everything he did wrong (clearly a MUCH longer list)... this is yet another example of this blog's (and the entire far-right fringe of the GOP's) penchant for decrying everything it can come up with in a truly pointless attempt to whine about the far-superior leadership of Obama.

so, i have just sent a link to this blog to several people as an example of exactly what is wrong with the GOP's future as a force in america. complaining about irrelevancies just makes you a whiner. and you see this as a means to... what? is there some super-secret plan to use complaining in a vacuum as a strategy to help rescue the loony-right from obscurity? what exactly is it that you want O to do in this case (and, in fact, the case of the pirates)? it seems to me that both of those situations resultsed in excellent resolutions. WAAAAAAAH!

Marty Heflin said...

My anonymous friend apparently cannot read bubble diagrams...although he/she obviously lives in one.

Anonymous said...

still more profundity, i see...

so, i guess the way this goes is: 1) you make a rather dumb statement, in no way backed up with factual reality. then 2) you spend no effort to defend your nonsense when asked a simple series of questions. its not as if you have some huge list of commenters to wade through... if you arent going to even attempt discourse, why do you bother to post this crap? you can listen to the voices in your head all by yourself...

so read and reply. or dont, but then you will get the satisfaction of knowing you are proving my longstanding theorem about the loony-right's inability to actually defend anything that comes out of their mouths...

Marty Heflin said...

This kind of drivel is actually funny. The post was about how large Obama wants to make the government with a budget of $3.7 TRILLION on top of bailouts and appropriations of $1.2 TRILLION - beautifully illustrated with a tastefully colored bubble diagram. Then, there is the contrast with the headlined budget "cuts" of $100 MILLION. Compare and contrast - quite reasonable. Surely my anonymous friend realizes that a "million" is a lot less than a "trillion." The last budget the hated W submitted was for $2.9 TRILLION - do the math.

And don't get me started on the benefits of tax cuts - it is such a tired piece of rhetoric from the left "tax cuts for the rich" repeated over and over. Guess who pays the taxes! Who creates the jobs? Uggh - life is too short to attempt to educate the hopeless.

Marty Heflin said...

Oh, on tax cuts - scroll down the blog and watch the JFK video - learn something instead of spewing your senseless hate.

Anonymous said...

how many jobs are all the hedge-fund gazillionaires creating today? wouldn't it be GREAT if there was a glut of mid-level manufacturing jobs (say, in renewable energy? maybe a new rail system? oh wait... thats what we are spending vast chunks that $3+T O budget on... can you really not see how that is different, more useful, from a $2+T W. deficit that got us literally nothing at all?)

"Reality has a well-known liberal bias"

Marty Heflin said...

You're so right! The government is MUCH better at spending money than the private sector. They are certainly better at creating jobs. Let's just give all the money we make to the government so they can spend it for us. We are waaaaay to stupid to figure it out on our own.

Now that you've spent all that money on your light rail system that only services about 30% of the country, and you've driven the country further into debt, how are you going to pay for the entitlements that already exist?

I guess you have the Barbie defense - "math class is hard!"

Anonymous said...

"You're so right! The government is MUCH better at spending money than the private sector. They are certainly better at creating jobs. Let's just give all the money we make to the government so they can spend it for us. We are waaaaay to stupid to figure it out on our own." - um, you said it, not me...

if we want anything major to change, we require a centralized government making major decisions. simple, stated fact. who else but the government can simply make a decree that we are going off the oil-energy grid? or is your plan to just keep sending $ to the Saudis forever, until the oil is gone... and then rely on a crash program from ... (jesus?) to get us out of it? an entity must decide to ddo it, form a position to make it happen. that is WHY the government SHOULD be spending $ right now. we need to spend $ to get the economy rolling again... why not jump-start the future industry at the same time? we end up with debt, but also with PHYSICAL ASSETS.

Short-sighted, and lacking the capacity to understand the ever-increasing pace of the changing world. hallmarks of Fox News viewers and old people. how long ago did you turn 50?

Entitlemants are yet another subject that it is difficult to discuss with the boomer generation. i have assumed since long ago college days that i woud never see social security, and spent my professional life planning accordingly. i think minimum standards for healthcare should exist (oh my god! we're like sweden! where all the people are healthy, and have longer lifespans thatn we do... and are better educated... OH MY GOD! we'll never survive!!!)

Shift some paradigms around in your head and try to see what COULD be instead of clinging to the 50's. "Veil of Ignorance"....