Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Muslim Demographics

This is similar to the message of "America Alone" by Mark Steyn...scary stuff.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm from 7 children. It was a wonderful experience growing up -- crazy and bawdy and competetive and loving. My parents were really strict -- and we all turned out pretty solid I think. As adults there is no bond more solid than that between my siblings. I am thrilled to be giving the same experience to my children. I have 5 and am expecting my 6th. What else is there is life honestly besides family -- some dream career? some exotic vacations? a beautifully furnished home with no stains or blemishes? What's the point of having one or even two kids and clothing them in expensive clothes and giving them fancy dance lessons, and having them on ten sports teams, and sending them off to expensive camps, and too many toys. They want siblings, some close in age, some older to help nuture them, some younger that they can nuture. Whatever, I don't know how to convince anyone -- but it makes so much sense to me that I can't even understand why I am in the minority with this. You'll all never know what your missing.