Thursday, May 21, 2009

You Want Torture?

We have become so sissified in this country that we have created a state of moral confusion. Water boarding, as Rumbler has maintained all along is not torture. What Saddam did to Kurdish Iraqis is:

There are also two torture rooms, each about 10 by 15 feet, and each with a beam, suspended from the ceiling, to which are attached several meat hooks. From these hooks, prisoners were hung by their wrists tied behind the back: the effect was to dislocate the shoulders and cause slow and agonizing suffocation while the rest of the body was beaten with wire whips and shocked by a generator attached to the nipples and genitals.

Read the rest of the story here.

The whole "torture" argument has been ginned up as one more thing to weaken the United States. In the real world, there are real bad guys, real evil. They have to be dealt with and negotiating isn't much of a solution when you are dealing with a guy that wants to see you on a meat hook. Rumbler has never advocated torture, but there is a very clear line between making someone feel uncomfortable enough that they tell you where the bomb is hidden and hooking someone up to a generator.

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