Friday, May 8, 2009

The Cult of O

Interesting piece over at American Thinker this morning. We tend to think of "brainwashing" as something that happens in a Communist POW camp. It can be much more subtle than that...the evidence of it is all around us now.

How else can you explain the following quote from his Omificence when he is introducing a budget that will bury our children in red ink and taxes:

But one of the pillars of this foundation is fiscal responsibility. We can no longer afford to spend as if deficits don't matter and waste is not our problem. We can no longer afford to leave the hard choices for the next budget, the next administration -- or the next generation.

And Jim Jones said that KoolAid tasted good and was goooood for you!

Scary stuff, give it a read.


Anonymous said...

faulty brain there rumbler - obama is spending $ on things with a downstream PAYOFF. not a pointless war, not tax cuts for billionaires or handouts for big oil/big pharma/etc... but actual USEFUL things. If we can get off foreign energy, and increase the efficiency of existing housing stock, and change the current psychotic healthcare system to one that emphasizes preventive care (all things in the budget that you clearly didnt understand)... we will SAVE money in the long run. you seem sooo concerned with the debt burden on the future, but are blithely unaware that the future does in fact require investment or we wont even GET there.

i suppose your plan is to spend nothing at all (except giant tax cuts, of course, gotta have tax cuts we cant afford if you wanna play GOP ball) and just assume that when india and china start kicking our collective butts in every measurable educational, economic, and innovative category we can just assume they will help us out? after all, W was sooo nice to everyone that we have a giant stash of goodwill to fall back on. and when O tries to make nice, you bitch about that too. so your plan is.... to alienate everyone, but make sure that we cant compete with them either. (and you wonder why the conservative brand is dying? talk about some stupid, failed ideas...)

so - the current O plan counts as fiscal responsibility. your premise (and theirs) is flawed at best, disingenuous and deliberately misleading at worst. obama is exactly right when he says that we cant wait any longer to make some real changes to the way we fund the future.

Marty Heflin said...

Talk about faulty brains - where does the money come from and who is better at deciding how to spend it? Deficits that are four times the highest EVER in the first budget alone, I can't wait!

As for India and China "kicking our butts," they already are in education thanks to your liberal pals teaching political correctness. It's the business people that have been keeping us above water.

Now, go and read the article - it was about brainwashing, something that has obviously happened to you.

Anonymous said...

"As for India and China "kicking our butts," they already are in education thanks to your liberal pals teaching political correctness"

care to explain that statement in any way, or did you just hear that as a talking point on rush? what the hell does that even MEAN?

liberal political correctness is the problem?!? i guess the kansas school board is really douing a bang-up job...

i notice that nobody else really ever comments here. EVER. i enjoy poking holes in your feeble crap when i'm bored, but do you ever wonder WAY nobody reads this garbage? the warmed-over droolings of a conserva-zombie... mmmm.... think i should really stoop reading and go back top letting you talk alone to the voices in your head.