Sunday, September 6, 2009

A "Vicious Smear Campaign"

There is something in the language of the left that escapes me. Van Jones, the recently departed "Green Jobs Tsar," said the following on his way out the door:
On the eve of historic fights for health care and clean energy, opponents of reform have mounted a vicious smear campaign against me. They are using lies and distortions to distract and divide.
It is amazing how someone who opposes the government taking over vast swaths of our economy in libberwocky becomes an "opponent of reform," but that aside, where is the "smear campaign?" The fact that Msr. Jones was never vetted, never investigated, never approved by Congress, never subjected to the colonoscopy that every conservative receives before they even come within a block of 1600 PA Ave, is not a smear campaign. It is the lack of due-diligence on the part of a) this administration and b) the media. What we have learned from a bunch of bloggers and independent thinkers is that Msr. Jones is:

a) Unprofessional and rude and hardly "bi-partisan."
b) A member of STORM (Standing Together to Organize Revolutionary Movement), a group, according to Wikipedia that was: "explicitly committed to revolutionary Marxist politics[14] whose points of unity were revolutionary democracy, revolutionary feminism, revolutionary internationalism, the central role of the working class, urban Marxism, and Third World Communism."
c) Has some very weird views on race:

d) Isn't particularly bright on energy, nor respectful of elected leaders (like we are all supposed to be now...):

No, Jones was his own undoing. Best guess is as more facts were uncovered, there was going to be more and more of the same. Who knows what the rest of the 35-odd "Tsars" are hiding, but the administration sure didn't need this distraction - not when they are looking at these numbers:

The one thing Jones does is prove once again, that Obama is either a) a horrendous judge of character - look at the party under the bus from Grandma to Rev. Wright to Van Jones OR b) he actually believes this stuff and is a fellow traveller. Both choices are pretty frightening, but not a surprise. When you elect a logo and a slick marketing campaign, you get what you voted for. We are getting, as H.L. Mencken would say "good and hard."

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