Thursday, September 10, 2009

The President's Speech

OK, I admit, I did not see it live. I tried reading the transcript late last night and fell asleep. I watched enough of the replay to see that Barrack Obama was on the campaign trail! Funny, the place he was speaking (was he in Iowa?) looked a helluva lot like the U.S. House of Representatives...kinda weird how he carts that botoxed diva, Nancy Pelosi and Joe "why do you keep saying 'plug healthcare'" Biden around behind him....OH! I get it, he's actually talking to Congress. Funny, from the tone of the speech it sure sounded like a lot of partisan attacks going on. I love the three seconds to the left, three seconds to the right head bob on the prompter.

Naw, seriously, I did get through the text this AM and what I saw was...nothing. Classic B.O.! No effort at bi-partisanship...c'mon Barry, you have the votes, ram it down our throats! Every time I watch or read what this guy says I am reminded of the story told by one of his law school classmates. BHO would wade into a debate between two students. Listen attentively to both sides, speak eloquently about the discussion and leave. Upon his departure, BOTH sides would assert that he had sided with them. This is a gift, but it is not leadership. And what we saw last night was not Presidential. He was a bully, a Chicago street thug in action. My guess is, brief bounce in the polls, then once the American people realize he said nothing, this thing is going to sink again. Let us pray.

For a great live report of the events last night, check out Vodkapundits live drunkblogging the speech. Classic


Anonymous said...

Strange. You saw a bully... I saw a grown-up trying to calm down the crazies. He was calm, collected, and spoke passionately while saying exactly what people needed to hear. And what happened? The GOP devolved from dissenting voices to poop-throwing monkeys right there on TV.

Seriously. If my kids acted like that they would get a time-out. And they damn well know it.

You really sure that you want to side with those chimps? It is getting harder and harder to pretend that the far-right fringe is not bat$hit insane when they can't even behave like adults in public... cling to that illusion that there is method in your madness, but rember that it remains madness.

Marty Heflin said...

Of course you saw a "grown-up," you are happy being Obama's little child. And like the good father that wants to tell you all the rules, you listened in a mind numbed state completely disregarding your freedom. You cannot understand the passion people feel when they think about what this man is trying to saddle our children with.

One man yells out the truth - admittedly out of order for the process - and all you can do is to start insulting people. What a sad little world you must live in that your only hope appears to be some kind of salvation from a Chicago hustler.