Monday, December 8, 2008

Grousing from the Left

There was an editorial in this morning's Tennessea - err, Pravda on the Cumberland, saying that the libs are getting concerned that Barry O is not appointing enough wingnuts to his cabinet. Here's a piece in Politico saying about the same thing. There seems to be particular ire about appointing Hillary to State - she voted FOR the war, and keeping Gates at Defense. One of the fun quotes was from Katrina Vanden Heuvel over at The Nation: "The appointment of Gates confirms in peoples' minds that Democrats can't run Defense. He could of at least appointed someone like Chuck Hagel, who opposed the war." Note to Katrina - Hagel is a Republican - admittedly in name only, but still has the (R) after his name!

My guess/hope is this: Barry, not unlike the last Dem to occupy the White House, (occupation of the White House - could be a theme there...) has no core principles. This is good news for those of us on the Right who thought that on the basis of his associations, the guy was damned near a Marxist. You sit in a couple of those threat briefings and it'll make those campaign promises go right out the door. B.O. probably feels like the terrier that caught the bus right now...he needs adult leadership around him.

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