Thursday, April 14, 2011


That's what we got:

I am proud to report that Rumblecongressman Marsha Blackburn voted "NAY!"

This is starting to look like the business as usual game - we put forward a budget with a huge increase, then we "compromise" and cut the increase.  We then go out and trumpet that we had huge "cuts," when all we did was cut the size of the increase.


1 comment:

Marty Heflin said...

Great points, Mickey - thanks!

I am reminded of the old saw about the five monkeys in a cage. A banana is placed on top of the cage and a ladder is placed inside the cage. When the first monkey climbs the ladder and seizes the banana - the other four are hit with an ice cold spray of water from a fire hose. Those four will turn on the banana monkey and beat the hell out of him.

When a banana is put on top of the cage the next time, none of them will climb up to get it. Now, replace one of the monkeys and introduce a new monkey. New monkey will climb up the ladder - the other four will beat the hell out of him, teaching him the law of the pack. Continue this replacement until you have replaced ALL the original monkeys. The behavior will continue.

Moral of the story? You have to wholesale clean house in Congress before the behavior changes.