Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bloggers on the Right - This Could Happen to You...

OK, this was in Burma but given the post-election attacks we on the Right have been receiving, it's not too far of a stretch to say it could happen here. So someone scribes a "cheeky" poem about our dear leader, O...knock on the door..."you racist homophobic pig!"
Blogger: "It was a joke, I was just using my First Amendment Rights..."
O-Guys: "You saw what we did to Joe the Plumber...we've been looking into the sites you visit, your last child-support payment, the books you check out from the library, your IRS files...there's a lot to talk about here."
Blogger: "Wha..
O-Guys: "Come with us - you'll feel better after a few weeks in our Camp."

Eight Weeks Later...
Blogger: "Wow, the Kyoto accords are the best thing ever...I want the government to run my life because it can do it better than I can...must give all my money to Moon, er, I meant O...yes I can..."

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