Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Well maybe BHO is coming around, if even a little bit. Now he is "appalled and outraged" by what is happening in the streets of Tehran. One of my anonymous ferrets who is a cult follower of "the One," says its about BHO "thinking before he acts," something which the evil Booosh of course never did. My guess is it has something more to do with this:

The fortunes of politics turn and as we predicted here long ago, sooner or later, the American people will come to grips with the reality that the man is a total lightweight - sadly, the Mullahs and nut jobs like Kim Jong Il already know it.


Anonymous said...

i of course would posit that it is the bloviating gasbags who whine about every little thing that cause the sheeple to change their opinions. whereas i as aware that obama was dealt a worse hand of cards than any postwar president, as is doing a far better job than we have any right to expect. still no terrorist attacks, many of us still have jobs, still the conversation about universal healthcare is happening, still he is increasing budgets and paying attention to nasa, the green movement, et al... he has spent more 'engaged' time in the first half year than W did in 8.

i can see it. you cannot. but make sure you listen to rush and hannity. they certainly have all the answers...

Anonymous said...


Sounds like your ill-typing anonymous buddy is running out of gas. "Still no terrorist attacks, many of us still have jobs..." there's a ringing endorsement! Hell, Obama's own estimates on the unemployment figures are exploding as we speak...wait till Jongil lobs one over Hawaii on July 4. Even then the Koolaid drinkers won't believe the facts. As you have said before, sooner or later, the people (not "sheeple," you ignorant liberal condescending SOB) will awaken.

Rumble on, buddy, rumble on!

Marty Heflin said...

Thank you Mr. A2 for your kind words. Mr. A1 says something that is very telling and fundamentally separates statists from the rest of us: "still the conversation about universal healthcare is happening, still he is increasing budgets and paying attention to nasa, the green movement, et al... he has spent more 'engaged' time in the first half year than W did in 8"

A1 wants the government budgets increased an wants the big papa G to solve all the problems in the world. Who needs a Constitution? Don't like the automobile you drive? Have the government fix it. Don't like your job? Call the Feds. And on and on it goes. Our Founders were terrified of a government that got too big and drafted a Constitution and a Bill of Rights that spelled out who did what. Statists want to throw that in the trash and have an elite group of Washington pinheads live their lives for them. The rest of us,the Individualists (the ones that made this country great), want to live free with the opportunity to make it on our own.